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Database Stats

Match/Players Stats and Data

MatchZy comes with a default database (SQLite), which configures itself automatically. MySQL Database can also be used with MatchZy! Currently we are using 3 tables, matchzy_stats_matches, matchzy_stats_maps and matchzy_stats_players.

As their names suggest, matchzy_stats_matches holds the data of every match, like matchid, team names, scores, etc. matchzy_stats_maps stores data of every map in a match. Whereas, matchzy_stats_players stores data/stats of every player who played in that match. It stores data like matchid, kills, deaths, assists, and other important stats!

Using MySQL Database with MatchZy

To use MySQL Database with MatchZy, open csgo/cfg/MatchZy/database.json file. It's content will be like this:

    "DatabaseType": "SQLite",
    "MySqlHost": "your_mysql_host",
    "MySqlDatabase": "your_mysql_database",
    "MySqlUsername": "your_mysql_username",
    "MySqlPassword": "your_mysql_password",
    "MySqlPort": 3306
Here, change the DatabaseType from SQLite to MySQL and then fill-up all the other details like host, database, username, etc. MySQL Database is useful for those who wants to use a common database across multiple servers!

CSV Stats

Once a match is over, data is pulled from the database and a CSV file is written in the folder: csgo/MatchZy_Stats. This folder will contain CSV file for each match (file name pattern: match_data_map{mapNumber}_{matchId}.csv) and it will have the same data which is present in matchzy_stats_players.

There is a scope of improvement here, like having the match score in the CSV file or atleast in the file name patter. I'll make this change soon!